El blog de Lila.

Que no, que no existimos!

Me he quedado a cuadros cuando he entrado en OBMultimedia y he visto esta notícia sacada de la cadena de radio BBC la que le hizo una entrevista el pasado domingo a Orlando.
"Orlando Bloom's been getting a taste of A-list life - but he reckons it doesn't always smell of roses. He's been filming his new blockbuster 'Kingdom of Heaven' in Spain, where he says the paparazzi are even worse than they are in the UK. Orlando said it's made him realise that that he's considered a big star - though it's not something he's very comfortable with: "That was the first time that I've experienced that kind of attention." "I guess it was because I was the lead in the movie and it was a big movie that was in town, so I think they were expecting us to be around, which is why we got that attention." "I won't lie - I was a little intimidated to begin with - I wasn't prepared for it so it was unexpected." "It made it a little difficult for me to go about my daily life, but everything is about a series of adjustments and getting used to those things." 'Kingdom of Heaven' is out on May 6th.

Yo he leído la transcripción de esa entrevista en la radio y Orlando NO menciona ni una sola palabra de paparazzis ni de España a menos que lo comentase así "off the record". Es más no dijo nada de lo que comentan aquí esto está sacado de otro medio con una entrevista a Orlando que os pasé anteayer creo. Si es que no nos basta con las perlas que suelta Orlando que encima se las tienen que inventar y quedando ellos como los buenos claros. Si es que vaya tela...

Menos mal del "oasis mental" del que he disfrutado durante un rato contemplando estas maravillosas fotitos que mi querida Mandy me ha pasado de "Haven" :D

La cosa más adorable del mundo

Buenas noches!

2 comentarios

Supra Cuban -

The important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determination to attain it.

Lindalawen -

¡Lo que faltaba! Además de lo que dice Orlando, se inventan las cosas para hacernos quedar como los malos y los paletos que no saben tratar a un actor. ¿Tenéis algo para morder por aquí?